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Vantage Point

Strategic marketing concepts and business observations. Small business start-up experiences.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's official - I'm a merchant now. I've started a new business and opened a new shopping website -http://www.GoldenStarFruit.com. I've just finished getting my merchant accounts so I'm into a soft launch and working on search engines and generating traffic.

It's been an interesting process getting started. I tried very hard not to get the cart before the horse and that kept causing delays. I think the most challenging aspect was coming up with a website name. Everything I tried was taken and I didn't want to go out and buy anything. I had decided to launch this business in phases and Phase I calls for everything to be done 'on the cheap'. Once I reach predetermined benchmarks, then I move to Phase II followed by, guess what! Phase III.


.: posted by Carol Gamel - Carol@GoldenStarFruit.com 2:16 PM

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